Engine 1 – 2005 Pierce Pumper
Engine 1 serves as the primary engine company for the City of Noble. It carries 1000 gallons of water and a 40 gallon tank of foam. It has a Waterous pump capable of producing 1250 gallons of water per minute. This engine carries special equipment such as Thermal Imaging Camera and Advanced Life Support equipment.
Squad 1 and Squad 2 –2008 Ford 350 / Osage Ambulance
Squads 1 and 2 are both Advanced Life Support units for the City of Noble. Both units respond to the rural area east of our city limits to the county line. These units carry Advanced Life Support equipment that meets State Health Department Requirements. Our priority in conjunction with the rapid response is pre-hospital medical treatment from life saving Nationally Registered Paramedics, Intermediates, and EMTs, along with the ability to provide rapid transport to an emergency medical facility.
Brush 3 – 1996 Chevrolet 4x4
Brush 3 is a wildland firefighting unit for the City of Noble. This unit is capable of handling nearly all kind of outdoor wildfire situations. It carries 300 gallons of water and has a pump capacity of 200 gallons of water per minute.
Engine 3 – 1984 Pierce Pumper
Engine 3 serves as the primary engine company for the City of Noble. It carries 750 gallons of water and has a Waterous pump capable of producing 1000 gallons of water per minute. This engine carries special equipment such as a Thermal Imaging Camera and hydraulic extrication tools (“Jaws of Life”). This truck also responds as our rescue truck and rural area fires.
Brush 1 – 2003 Chevrolet 4x4
Brush 1 is a wildland firefighting unit for the City of Noble. This unit is capable of handling nearly all kind of outdoor wildfire situations. It carries 300 gallons of water and has a pump capacity of 200 gallons of water per minute.
Tanker 1 – 1993 GMC 1.5 Ton
Tanker 1 is an emergency vehicle for the City of Noble designed to transport water supply in areas without a hydrant system. This unit carries 1500 gallons of water and has a pump capacity of 200 gallons of water per minute.
Engine 2 – 1984 Boardman Pumper
Engine 2 serves as the primary engine company for the City of Noble. It carries 750 gallons of and has a Waterous pump capable of producing 1250 gallons of water per minute. This engines normal role is to fill in whenever Engine 1 or Engine 3 are down for preventative maintenance or repairs. Engine 2 will also be staffed during periods of high call volume or during working fires by callback firefighters
Brush 2 – 1999 Chevrolet 4x4
Brush 2 is a wildland firefighting unit for the City of Noble. This unit is capable of handling nearly all kind of outdoor wildfire situations. It carries 300 gallons of water and has a pump capacity of 200 gallons of water per minute.
Tanker 2 – 1986 International 1.5 Ton
Tanker 2 is an emergency vehicle for the City of Noble designed to transport water supply in areas without a hydrant system. This unit carries 1200 gallons of water and has a pump capacity of 200 gallons of water per minute.